The Flying Instruments Video – The Outtakes

The famous “Flying Instruments Video” (viewable on our homepage) has now been watched nearly 3 million times on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube! And the reaction continues to be fantastic. But what people really want to know is “How did you do it?” and “Where are the bloopers and outtakes?” The question about how we did […]

ChopSaver Thanksgiving

At this time of year in this part of the world, we are reminded to give thanks. I certainly have a long list of things that I am grateful for. I’m sure many of the things on my list are similar to yours and let me say straight away that my life would be pretty miserable without the love and support of my wife and son and my extended family.

The Flying Instruments Video – How We Did It

(Post updated – Mar 2021)With well over 1,000,000 views now on YouTube and Facebook combined, the “flying instruments” video caused quite a stir, especially in the band community. Here is some “behind the scenes” info on how we did it. Yes, I am tossing band instruments while explaining what ChopSaver  is and who it is for. […]

From Trumpet Playing to the Medical Profession

So several years ago, I set out to create a lip care product for trumpet players and, by extension, all brass musicians. Soon after I started formulating, it was brought to my attention that woodwind players would be equally interested. Before ChopSaver even hit the market, our market expanded two-fold. I am always gratified to […]

To Geek or Not to Geek

We all know the familiar childhood refrain “Sticks and stones may 
break my bones, but names will never harm me.” It’s a nice thought 
and ultimately we shouldn’t let others define us by a label or a word.

Music in Our Schools and Why You Should Support It

The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) has designated March as Music in Our Schools Month. I am proud to be both a product of (professional trumpet player) and to have developed a product for (ChopSaver) school music education.

Exploring my Musical Roots

I grew up in Elkhart, Indiana. It was a great town in which to grow up, especially for a budding young musician. All of the local schools had strong music programs with good band directors at the helm. It probably had something to do with the fact that Elkhart was once known as the “Band Instrument Capital of The World.”