An Interview with Cameron Handel

Like we always say, ChopSaver users are just plain cool! Today we get some insight into the glamorous (and not so glamorous) life of a traveling musician. A veteran of the “marching band on a stage” phenomenon known as Blast! (, trumpeter Cameron Handel ( now spends a lot of her time these days touring […]

A New Year’s Proclamation – More than just Lip Service

Wow, a blog about New Year’s Resolutions, how original! Well, to be truthful, I have never made New Year’s resolutions myself. I figure any moment in any day in any year is as good a time as any to make a new decision, course correct and plan for a different future. In other words, why […]

Choppy Speaks! He’s big! He’s Green! It’s Choppy the ChopSaver!

Yes, we know mascots aren’t supposed to talk, but Choppy agreed to a sit down with the editors of the The Green and Gold (the world famous ChopSaver e-newsletter) in a “no holds barred” exclusive interview. Choppy held court for nearly an hour and regaled us with stories of how he came into the world, […]

Ready, Set, Blog!

So I have written for other websites, I tweet a little and I have two facebook pages – one personal and one for my business. And now I am blogging. “Good for you Dan – better late than never!” you might say. Well, I just wanted to make sure this whole internet thing wasn’t just […]