Yes, we know mascots aren’t supposed to talk, but Choppy agreed to a sit down with the editors of the The Green and Gold (the world famous ChopSaver e-newsletter) in a “no holds barred” exclusive interview. Choppy held court for nearly an hour and regaled us with stories of how he came into the world, his frustrations early in life and his triumphant debut happening this St. Patrick’s Day! A few excerpts from the discussion:

G & G: So, Choppy, where were you born?

Choppy: I was born in a magical workshop called AvantGarb ( in my home city of Indianapolis. My God Mother is Jennifer Smith – The Queen of Fuzz as she likes to call herself. When I think back on those early days, I remember thinking – Who am I? What am I? Why am I here?

G & G: Well Choppy – have you found an answer?

Choppy: Yes, I think I have. My job is to bring fun and laughter where fun and laughter has never existed – into the lives of people whose chops need saving! My mission is to bring a smile to people’s lips. Yes, “For People with Lips” is a broad mandate! Not just all those wonderful musicians who gave me my start but bikers with lips and hikers with lips and skiers with lips and runners and moms and kids and dads… why I get dizzy just thinking about it! But I am up to the task, believe me!

G & G: But we know things weren’t easy in the beginning, were they? 

Choppy: Well, I suppose you are referring to that “large football incident” that took place here several weeks ago? Well, I’m not bitter about that although you can watch it below if you must know more. I prefer to move on to bigger and better things.

G & G: Choppy, what makes you so different?

Choppy: Well, it’s what’s inside of course! A more incredible combination of all-natural ingredients you just won’t find anywhere else! Wonderful things like shea butter, mango butter, aloe vera, vitamin E and avocado oil along with herbs known for their healing, soothing qualities like arnica, calendula, comfrey and white willow – nature’s aspirin! And that delightful combination of citrus oils! I don’t mean to brag, but it’s just like that nice John fellow says about his product – “better ingredients make better pizza?” I think the same can be said for lip balm, don’t you agree? You can see why musicians and dermatologists, a fussy lot both of them, agree that nothing is better for your lips than ChopSaver! 

G & G: OK Choppy, what’s next for you?

Choppy: Oh, I’m so glad you asked! I am finally making my public debut at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Indianapolis on March 16th! Can you imagine! It will be a sea of green and I will be in the middle of it all bringing the good news of healthy lips to everyone! It will bring new meaning to the concept of “wearin’ of the green!” I look forward to seeing you all there!

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