Tom Hooten, Principal Trumpet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic (and ChopSaver fan!) sits down with The ChopSaver Guy, Dan Gosling to talk about how he does what he does so well.

In Part 3, Tom talks in depth about his embouchure change in college, his early goals, the importance of being honest with yourself, investing in yourself, staying curious, preparing for and taking auditions, and techniques to combat nerves.

The opening is a live performance of Tom playing Mahler’s 5th Symphony. Listen to all 3 interviews to hear the whole solo!

Dan Gosling:             Let’s talk about the embouchure change a little bit, because I was watching some of the videos on your website, and it struck me that, as is often the case when something “bad” happens to us, that we think is bad, there’s usually great learning to be had from it. There’s usually somebody’s tapping us on the shoulder saying you need to pay attention to something, you need to stop and learn something. The tragedy is most people just keep focusing on the bad thing and they’re not seeing the potential learning to come from this. Would it be too much