ChopSaver is a great fundraiser! We have had bands raise over $4,000 in two weeks selling ChopSaver. People like it because it’s not fattening and it doesn’t have special handling issues like freezing or refrigeration. It doesn’t take up a lot of storage space. It’s easy to deliver and the profit margin is very high.

Band directors have a couple of choices. They can either have their kids take orders and sell it, or sometimes they’ll pre-order ChopSaver in bulk and sell it throughout the year to friends, family, at school events or in the bookstore.

If there is a band out there that is looking to raise money for their trips, new uniforms or new equipment, selling ChopSaver is a great option. ChopSaver is a wholesome, all-natural, affordable lip balm that is quick and easy to sell. This is a product that everyone can use. And what other fundraiser actually helps the band play better?

You can learn more at the band fundraiser page