David McCullough (This article is a guest post by long time ChopSaver fan and band director David McCullough. His concept of a “Tone Hero” for young musicians is a must read for all musicians and he has gone to the trouble of providing numerous links to examples of great tone on any instrument.)

Who is Your “Tone Hero?”
By David McCullough 

Some students do not play instruments as well as they might because they seem to lack a clear idea what that weapon in their hands is really supposed to sound like.  In clinic settings, or when guest conducting, I often ask students what they would do if they wanted to become a great basketball player.  Their answers tend to be, “I would watch great players like Stephen Curry or Lebron James.”  I further inquire, “So what is your plan to becomeagreat trumpet, oboe, or clarinet player?” Incredibly,theyoften still sit there with few ideas atall.  The following is how I encourage them to understand the”hero” analogy.

I first ask students to consider a favorite Jerry Sternin quote: “It’s easier to act </