Maybe it’s because I’m a Gemini, but I work in two worlds (music and marketing) and in my business, we now have two distinct marketing avenues. Of course, we love anyone with lips as our tag line suggest. But two of our biggest fan bases are musicians (obviously) and now, dermatologists.
Because of that, not only do we take the product to band conventions and marching competitions, we also promote ChopSaver all-natural lip balm at dermatology conventions. Keeping with the Theme of Twos, in the last month, we have been to both the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting in Miami, FL and the Dermatology Nurses Association (DNA) Convention in New Orleans, LA. The AAD is held in a huge convention center where we share the floor with some of the biggest companies in the world. The DNA was a more intimate affair held in a hotel which allowed us to have some really in-depth discussions about what medical professionals are looking for to help care for their patients.

Gratifying is indeed an understatement when I try to describe what it feels like to have a nurse or doctor come up to me and say, “This is the best lip balm I have ever tried!” or “Our patients LOVE your product. Keep up the good work!”

We met some wonderful people and let this serve as a public “Thank You!” to everyone who stopped by our booth and listened to our story. They are always amazed when I tell them the back story and how I came up with the formula in my kitchen. When you are standing in the middle of a medical convention, the line, “I’m a professional trumpet player…” is always a great attention –getter. Invariably, it gets a smile or even a laugh and they want to hear more…which is the sign of a great story!
We will keep on telling our story. Please tell us yours. If you have an interesting ChopSaver story, please share it below or on our Facebook page at